The Day of Gratitude
“Stupid, Lazy, Pig,” Svetlana yelled at me across the ice to express her disappointment with my performance. Every. Single. Day. Until she got tired of wasting her time and energy on such a worthless child as me, and I finally got kicked out of the skating academy. For a while. Until a new coach, Svetlana’s substitute, saw me skating on a public session.
Zhanna - new coach - saw something different. She saw a talented, beautiful, smart little girl, and she wanted to coach her.
This girl grew up to become a coach of an Olympic medalist, bestselling author, international speaker, and creator of i’MAGiNT LiFE - on a mission to change the way people SEE their world so that they can begin experiencing, owning, expressing, and creating their lives in the fullness, beauty, and genius of their True Nature.
It’s so easy for us to get lost in our beliefs that what we see in our environment is true, and act upon this “truth” with the detriment to our entire lives, and the lives of those we come in contact with, most of the time unknowingly creating pain for ourselves and others.
The little worthless girl didn’t change. She was the same girl, but seen through different lenses. One coach saw her as junk, the other saw her as treasure. One coach threw her out, the other nurtured a little flame that was flickering within this girl’s heart. The truth is HOW and WHAT we SEE determines our judgments, impacts our decisions, invokes emotions, motivates desires, and fuels actions that create the lives we live today. We chase results and better habits in search of fulfillment and harmony. And we miss the most important component of all. It begins with SEEING the world through the lens of purity and truth instead of limiting and irrational perceptions, and past stories.
This morning, on this Thanksgiving Day, I received a message of “rejection” from someone named Svetlana. Today, I didn’t feel hurt or disappointed. I felt grateful. She reminded me how grateful I am for my coach Svetlana who was the catalyst to push me — “stupid, lazy, pig” to discover that I wasn’t that, and to find the True Being that resided within my Soul. I am grateful for the courageous, strong, brilliant, determined, insightful, loving, and vulnerable little girl within me, who has agreed to live through mental, emotional, and physical daily abuse, so that she could grow up into a powerful healer, teacher, and co-creator of a method that will forever erase abuse, disempowerment, confusion, dysfunctional relationships, meaningless lives, and many other issues each of us, humans, deal with, so that we can fulfill our purpose, and create a masterpiece of life that serves us now, then serves our children, our children’s children and beyond.
i’MAGiNTs are new lenses to SEE the world through.
Only when you begin SEEING the world through the True Lens can you begin healing false beliefs that keep you stuck and confused, and then you can begin creating what you REALLY want from your heart! Thanksgiving Day is a beautiful reminder that we can only give thanks for what we can SEE as worthy of gratitude. It also gently pushes us to look around and remember things we often forget to acknowledge and appreciate, things we usually take for granted, like our own selves for example.
Today, I invite you to join me in saying: “I’m Gratitude I long for.” Put your hands on your heart. Close your eyes. Repeat this phrase a few times.
- SEE the Gratitude you long for
- FEEL the Gratitude you long for
- BE the Gratitude you long for
- CREATE the Gratitude you long for.
Invite your friends or family members to do this little exercise during your Thanksgiving Dinner. Open a conversation about what they want to see, feel, be, and create. Fill your day with meaning, connection, appreciation, and hope.
And if you want to continue this practice day in and day out creating other things, like success, abundance, support, passion, love, understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, etc. I would be honored to help you find and choose the qualities you truly want to manifest in your life. Just ask me to show you how, and my heart will swell in gratitude to be of service to your heart.
In Wisdom, Love, and Truth,
SoFeya SahRa Joseph
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