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Woman startled to see a cute, cartoonish bed bug while unpacking her suitcase.

From Bed Bugs to Breakthroughs: A Journey of Transformation


Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons when we least expect them. It's often in the seemingly mundane and frustrating experiences that we find nuggets of wisdom waiting to be unearthed.

The Tale of the Bed Bug

You may have heard about a woman who encountered a bed bug after coming back from her summer vacation. She started unpacking her suitcase, and that's when she saw it—a plump bed bug crawling out.

As she caught her breath in horror, the bug seized the moment and disappeared into the crevice between the bed and the wallpaper. She mustered her courage, moved the bed, and what did she find? Not the bug, but a heap of dust, a ring she thought had been stolen, and 58 rubles in loose change.

Over the next two weeks, she vacuumed every nook and cranny, even under the bed and cabinets. She borrowed a steam cleaner from her friends and sanitized her entire apartment. Fearful that the bug might have taken refuge in her wardrobe, she purged half of her clothes—items she hadn't worn in years. She discarded two of her four dressers that had seen better days. Down came the old, dusty curtains. Up went fresh wallpaper. Out went dim light bulbs, replaced by brighter ones. And finally, she asked several people to stop calling her, a step she should have taken long ago.

So, if you happen to meet that bed bug, she asks that you tell it this: 'Thank you. I bow at your feet, eternally grateful for the change you sparked in my life!"

Ahhh... isn't that something?

This woman didn't just pardon the bug; she burst with love and gratitude for it! šŸ˜

I love how this story pivots from a horrifying bed bug to a place of deep gratitude. It's such a powerful reminder of how the Universe orchestrates things for our growth and transformation! Isn't it? It got me thinking about all the 'bed bugs' in our lives—the tiny irritations, as well as bigger challenges like hurt, resentment, and discouragement that so often become catalysts for profound change.

Imagine, if we could transform those bugs into trust, strength, forgiveness, and hope, how our lives could change?

The timing of stumbling upon this story is impeccable, especially as we approach a season where we honor the teachings of St. Francis. This story truly echoes the essence of his mission and, particularly, his Peace Prayer, urging us to transform hurt into healing, resentment into forgiveness, and discouragement into hope.

Wouldn't you want to clean out those closets, too—both literal and metaphorical?

Keys to the Kingdom: The Way of St. Francis

If you're intrigued by this idea of transformative growth, I invite you to join our upcoming 45-Day Spirit Quest, "Keys to the Kingdom, The Way of St. Francis." In this quest, we’ll explore how to transform our own ‘bed bugs’—be they minor irritants or major life challenges—into opportunities for profound change.

Ready for Your Own Transformation?

As you go about your day, keep an eye out for your own 'bed bugs.' You may discover that they're your missing puzzle pieces, waiting to catapult you into your next transformative journey.

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