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Journey to the I'm Pyramid: Mystical Synchronicities with SoFeya SahRa Joseph

purpose pyramid mystery synchronicity


Hi champions! SoFeya SahRa Joseph, here, founder and creator of i'MAGiNT LiFE, author of Choreography of Awakening and Discoverer of I'm Pyramid Mystery.
And so good to be here today with you.
And I just wanted to share something with you.
That's really, really incredible.
Do you see in your life numbers like 111, 222, 333, 666, 777, 911.
Like do these things happen in your life? Do you wonder what they mean? Why they show up in your life as well as other synchronicities?

So this is the topic for today's session because something really interesting happened yesterday.
We are back in time when I was about 19 years old and I had a desire to go to school and get a degree in coaching figure skating.
I did not have any money to do that and there was only one school in the whole United States that had that degree and that was University of Delaware.
I lived in New York at that time and I was attending Brooklyn College and I was getting a degree in accounting.
It was free.
I was a skater in the past and I had a dream of becoming a figure skating coach.
Well, obviously getting a degree in accounting was not going to make me a figure skating coach right here.
I discovered that there is a school that actually offers a degree in coaching figure skating.
So I go to the school and I learned that I have to come up with $15,000 to attend that.
Well, I'm an immigrant from the Soviet Union and well, on welfare, I go to school Brooklyn College for free.
And I know that I'm going to get a good degree in accounting, a good job.
So my parents, my mom was like, no way you're even going to be thinking that way like this is totally ridiculous and this is not happening.
There was absolutely no place for me to get that money.
My dad, he was very compassionate, loving man and he took loans behind my mom's back so that I could go to the school.
And after taking all those loans, I was still $3000 short.
And so there was no way I could go to school three days before I had to come up with money.
I was going to pick up mail from the mailbox and there was an envelope with my name and I opened the envelope and believe it or not, there is a check for $3000 in my name.
I couldn't believe it.
I took that money I gave that money to the registrar at the University of Delaware.
A couple of weeks later, I was attending my first class at the University.
That moment changed my life really.
I mean, it was so transformational, it was so mind blowing, you know, several months before this event took place, I was in a car accident with this boy kissing in the driveway, double parked and some drunk driver ran into us.
We were going to lawyers and doctors and all of that, I totally forgot about it.
But that $3000 check arrived from that car accident.
So it was like all perfectly arranged to happen for me to be in that school.
And so because of that, I always knew that it was my destiny to be a figure skating coach.
And not only that, that I'm going to go to the Olympics.
And I was so firmly into that.
Even when I had no clue about the spiritual alignment, I didn't know any of that.
I never saw those numbers.
I know you see all these numbers all the time, but I didn't, not at that time.
So that was the beginning in 2006.
I was coaching an Olympic silver medalist.
I was at the Olympics and of course I knew that that wasn't my destiny.
And I absolutely believe that the Olympics though was not exactly play out the way I wanted, even though I I wanted to coach an Olympic medalist.
When my student got silver medal, she felt twice.
I was upset and I was disappointed.
And so I started looking for something else.
I was not looking to change my career or anything.
I was just looking for something that would help me to become a better coach and to help my students be more focused, to perform better without mistakes so that they don't come second at the Olympics, but that they come first at the Olympics.
That was my rationale.
Things started kind of aligning in such a way that I thought about going back to school and getting a master's degree in sports psychology.
There are not very many schools that offer that particular degree that I I was looking for, but there was one school that was offering that degree and that school was two miles away from my home.
So I went to that school to get my master's degree in sports psychology.
And from there, things started kind of aligning like different things would show up on my path.
Like, like I was guided a while to figure out like, wow, I'm actually kind of being guided, like I didn't see it right away.
But over time, of course, you know, when it's happening over and over and over and over and over again, you just can't help it.
But to start noticing stuff, one thing to another, it led me to uh to things like special kind of breathing, shamanic work, vision quest, Kundalini yoga master's degree in spiritual psychology, et cetera.
All the way to where we are right now.
Becoming the founder and creator of I imagine life and discoverer of I am Pyramid Mystery.

What I wanted to share now is an event that took place yesterday.
It was a visit by a new friend of mine that I've met a month ago.
The way I met this friend, I was on my way to meet another friend.
And this particular lady, her name was Sarah.
She was a sister of the person that I was going to meet.
What was interesting about her sister is that her name is Sara and my middle name was Sarah.
If you look at my middle name, you will see that my middle name is spelled in a little bit different way.
I put h in the middle.
Now I'm going to just quickly stop on the side here.
Why it's capital R? Because it stands for Ra, the famous Egyptian God, ra R A actually Sarah is wife of I and she is a matriarch basically of Jews and stuff.
So that was Abraham and Sarah.
Abraham is ab ra Ham and she is Sa Ra and Sarah means princess because supposedly the Children of ra I've learned that through significant synchronicities.
And so, and I'm named after my grandmother who is Sarah.
So I put in the middle.
I've never seen anyone put in the middle.
So I met this person because my friend's sister, her name is Sarah.
And I'm like, wow, you're Sarah.
I'm Sarah too.
And then they're like, well, I put in the middle, I'm like, really, I put in the middle too.
So we met, two Sarahs S A hr A I was like this kind of really synchrony, Sara because it's not common.
So yesterday, Sarah was coming with a visit and she sends me a message and she said I have a gift for you.
Now, SaHra has absolutely no idea what I'm doing and who I am actually.
And she does not know anything about the mystery of the pyramid that I have discovered and teach.
And I'm going to show you not gonna explain any of that.
You're not going to understand what I'm going to show you, but I just wanted you to visually see it.
We're going to look at the mystery of the pyramid.
So you see the pyramid here.
And this picture right here actually explains the mystery of the pyramid.
I want you to notice something else in the picture and I want you to notice this shape going around and that's octagon.
So I wanted you to see this octagon and this octagon has a lot to do with Sahra.
It has to do with the mind wheel, it has to do with the mystical thing.
This mystical thing is actually a temple that stands in the middle of Jerusalem on top of the place where Temple of Solomon was standing.
This temple is known, it's a mosque today.
It is known as Dome of the Rock. Dome of the Rock is constructed in octagon shape just like that shape that I just showed to you.
What's even more interesting about Dome of the Rock is that in Arabic? It's called, I'm going to actually show it to you right here and you can see my name written S A hr a Sara and this is Dome of the Rock right here.
And you see this octagon shape that I just showed you right here.
So Sahra here means rock.
Yesterday Sarhra, comes over to my house.
She just came from India.
She is coming with a visit, brought a gift to us from India and the gift is an altar cloth and I'm like, oh my goodness, this is so beautiful.
Thank you so much for this.
I know a perfect place for it and I bring her to my office and I'm like, it's going to go right here.
And so here's a little table and this cloth that you see is what Sahra gifted me.
And I am like, wow, Dome of the Rock, which is named Sahra.
I'm showing her.
Can you believe this that was called by our name? Your name and my name, you had no idea about that.
And it fits so perfectly into this figure and more than that it's like this.
OK? I want you to notice this piece, this square with the square in the middlel.
And I want you to see this and you see how it fits with the pyramid and you go to see this.
It's a perfect fit.
I was just absolutely shocked and she is just as shocked because she was in India.
I think back in October or something at this time, Sarah has no idea that she is going to be meeting me.
She is drawn in India to buy this altar cloth.
And at this time, she has no idea that she was going to meet me and give me this.
She completely has no idea that there is Dome of the Rock with the same name as hers and mine.
So I want you to kind of wrap your head around this.
It is all planned without us knowing any of that.
You cannot make stuff up like this.
I'm not going to go into what this means right now.
What it all means means, the octagon shape the pyramid.
I'm not going to tell you this right now.
But what I am going to tell you is this, that is the reason why there are numbers that you see numbers like 333, 777, etcetera.
And no, it is not about uh angel numbers or anything that is a science to it.
Actually, this thing is i'm pyramid mystery actually explains the science behind the synchronicities.
And it actually explains how you can make more of these synchronicities in your life.
These synchronicities are extremely fun time.
Those of you who have experienced that, you guys know that, but there is much more behind that than just having fun.
And it's much more than just being guided.
You have to understand what is this guidance about and why are you seeing this and how it's being created And the pyramid, those things that I was showing you on that paper actually explain how it all comes together.
That's the meaning the pyramid mystery that was revealed to me.
And I'm actually going to be teaching that in our group coaching class, which is going to be a 12 week group coaching program where I'm going to be teaching not only the mystery of the pyramid, but how to apply it in your life so that you can create.
I'm not gonna say you, I'm not going to say so you can create synchronicities because you're not creating synchronicities.
That is not important.
What's important is what you are here on this planet for to create because you are an instrument of the spirit and the spirit is communicating with you to create what she wants.
And if you don't understand how to interpret the message, her, not just the message, her desire because the spirit has a desire that you are here to fulfill because you are an instrument of spirit to fulfill that desire, but you cannot fulfill, feel that desire.
If you don't understand what that desire is.
So the key to fulfill Spirit's desire to live and to your purpose is to understand how to interpret what she's communicating with you or he or it, however you want to call God cosmic cosmic universe, uh whatever the savior.
However, you want to relate to that, the higher source I like to call Holy Spirit shame.
You can just say myself, my my true self is in communication with me to be an instrument to core what the spirit desires you to create.
That is our purpose here.
And we must understand what that is now in the group coaching program.
What we're going to do is to discover your own personal blueprint.
You will be able to use your blueprint as that lens us to see your reality through which will instantly increase the synchronicities that you see in your life only this time, you actually will know what they mean.
So in other words, you see the number 777, you're not just going like, oh wow, it's an angel number.
You will know this is the part of my blueprint right now and it's drawing my attention to this so that blah blah, blah.
So you begin understanding how to interpret your outer reality in service to fulfilling your higher self desire, which is your purpose.
So that's what we're going to be doing in the 12 week group coaching program start on Tuesday, January 23rd.
It's the day that is 123 and we're going to learn 123 steps in how to begin identifying how to understand the communication of spirit in your life.
Because every event, every relationship, every encounter, every single thing that's in your life is a message, not just those numbers, but everything is a message for you as a feedback to let you know what the desire is from your core self.
For you to understand what am I supposed to do to fulfill this desire? So that's the key in the end.
Well, I can't say towards the end, you're going to create your David, OK, your masterpiece.
But you are here to be a co creator spirit and you are here to, to co create some kind of a masterpiece.
And that is what we're going to be focusing on in the 12 week group coaching program which begins on 12, 3 January 23rd, 12 weeks to learn the mystery of the pyramid so that you can apply to your own life and work with your own life.
You're going to go to breakout rooms, we're going to do practices that are going to help you to create that.
I don't know if it's for you.
And this is why we're offering during this week.
So beginning tomorrow, we're offering one on one discovery calls 45 minutes.
We get together we'll talk if this is for you and what you need.
And if you are listening to me right now and you're going like I want this, I need this schedule a call because if you want to do this, the universe will arrange it for you to be able to do this.
Thank you so much for listening and watching and hope to speak with some of you this week.

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