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It's That Time of The Year: Valentine's Day!

happiness intimacy loneliness love relationships valentine's day

It’s that time of the year again… Valentine’s Day is approaching and with it all the accompanying emotions… We think you would agree, one of the most enjoyable aspects of human experience — relationships — is also one of the most painful! Single or in a relationship, most people struggle with one or more issues: communication, trust, understanding, hearing, support, intimacy, rejection, appreciation, respect, forgiveness, etc…we can go on and on.  But is it possible to truly step in and enjoy the love you long for? Do you even know what that means?

I (Faye) remember back in 2011, as I was working on my Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, we were working on the “relationship project.” I had to pick the “subject” for my project, design rating scales in different areas of our relationship, ranging from 1-9, identify where in this continuum I was, and design and implement an intervention plan. 

It was a no brainer to choose my then-husband of close to 20 years as my “subject.” I also had no problem defining the lower half of the rating scale, from 1-5, where ‘one’ meant “I am out of here, done!” and ‘five’ meant being just able to tolerate each other’s presence in the room. It was the higher numbers that I had difficulty with. I honestly didn’t even have a reference point to what 6, 7, 8, 9 could mean. I didn’t have the slightest clue of what a truly loving, conscious relationship could be. We were barely tolerating each other, and were on a daily average of 3, with frequent slips to two and one. We were excelling at pushing each other’s buttons, manipulating, ignoring, fault finding, and blaming. I was praising myself that our fights didn’t descend to the level of physical harm and screaming derogatory names, as was normal at my parent’s house. My marriage was better, yet I was convinced that we would be divorced within six months. 

Mulling all this at the time, I had to force myself to choose my now ex-husband for that project. Yes, I questioned whether I wanted to continue that nightmare any longer. We had a young daughter and for her sake, I gave us a chance.

The first breakthrough occurred when I got myself to sit down and think what these higher numbers on my rating scale could mean for me. I had never seen a relationship above 6, never! None of my married friends or family members had that. I didn’t have any role models for it. So, I really had to use my imagination. The most difficult part was to even identify what I wanted. 

I won’t go into the details of my long “research” project here. That is not the purpose of this blog. But I want to say that we didn’t get divorced in the next six months. Rather, we repaired our relationship and enjoyed the most loving 2 years of our lives together. When the time came for the two of us to go our separate ways, it wasn’t a divorce, but a “graduation” of sorts, where we each saw that our marriage was no longer serving our evolution. 

As a result of that work, learning and discovery that followed over the next eight years, 12 Qualities For the Ideal Relationship Workshop was conceived. We have now designed and created a process that helps people CHOOSE their ideal relationship, for ANY relationship, be it romantic, professional, family, friendship, potential partner, or even with your own self! The i’MAGiNT LiFE process will assist you in visualizing what you want, what your ideal looks like, then use our i’MAGiNT LiFE Evolution Scale to identify where you are right now and where you want to be. This is the exact same process that we, ourselves use for our relationship, and teach our clients. 

In our 3-hour workshop, you will:

  1. Discover 12 qualities you want and need for a meaningful, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul relationship;
  2. Increase awareness;
  3. Learn the difference between co-dependent and conscious relationship;
  4. Design, then take home, your Ideal i’MAGiNT LiFE Relationship Blueprint;
  5. Identify where you are in your ideal today, vs where you want to be — take home your personal Relationship Evolution Scale;
  6. Get clear on what you are lacking, what is important to you, and what you already have;
  7. Become the alchemist of your future — create the relationship you want;
  8. Enjoy delicious Valentine’s chocolate with tea, and share your experiences;
  9. Q & A on topics of meaningful relationships and sacred sex.

We are so excited to finally share these tools with you! At last, here is the process that will allow you to get crystal clear on what you want and need in your relationship! That will bring clarity on how to better communicate with your partner, see what to focus on, and how to get it. You won’t have to go through years of pain and broken relationships learning from mistakes. You will finally start building what you want, instead of searching for the “right” person, only to find out again, that s/he is “wrong” after all, then trying to fix them, get hurt, break up, and start all over again. If you are in a relationship today, take advantage of the couples offer and do this work together. Get to know each other on a deeper level, and finish the evening understanding each other more. And if you are single, let the Universe hear your intention to manifest the relationship of your dreams! What better gift you can give yourself on Valentine’s Day? 

Click the link below and join us on February 12!

Yes! I want to attend The Ideal Relationship Workshop!


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