Tired of Chasing Success and Fulfillment?

I hear you! If you feel like no matter how hard you try, how much you study, or accomplish, something always gets in the way and prevents you from living your best self and fulfilling your purpose, you are not alone. You know there is more, and you want to break free from the prison of limitations!  

You can! Just:

  • Get to know your True Self  
  • Master your mind
  • And change your habits...


Well, you can take a yoga class, learn to meditate, do breathing exercises, do reiki energy healing, have therapy sessions, journal, hypnosis, tai chi, shamanic circles, read a lot, and watch YouTube videos, or all of the above! You can also firewalk and do ice-water plunges...And you must do this daily if you want to see progress because we all know that to master anything takes relentless practice... 

If you feel that it's a lot to do, it is! And it's easy to get lost in all these modalities at the expense of work and family. Why? Because to do all this takes two major resources: time and energy (money too). And worst of all, it still does not get you where you want to be. No wonder you are tired of chasing success and fulfillment!

But There is Another Way...

It's true that everything you desire in life depends on mastering yourself, and there is no other way to do that than repetition, immersion, and a great teacher. So, if you want to have more, make more, and do more, you must BE more consciously EVERY. DAY.


  • What if you can fulfill this principle faster and better simply by drinking water charged on i'MAGiNTs according to your Blueprint?!
  • What if you can turn everything you do into your conscious practice, everywhere you go, any time, with anyone? 
  • What if you can enjoy yoga, meditation, Reiki, and any other practice you love as a way to enhance embodiment because now EVERYTHING is part of your practice?

Wouldn't transformation through a practice like that feel like magic? You bet! And that's what you get with i'MAGiNT LiFE MASTERY -- a system that not only meets you where you are but fits into your lifestyle seamlessly and naturally.

 Take Control of Your Life and Time




  • Train Your Mind
  • Grow In Your True Self
  •  Transform Your Life As a Result.


Imagine fulfilling your potential and living your purpose when you are dining out, working, having a meeting, hanging out with friends, traveling to a foreign country, hiking, or getting married. No matter where you are and what you do, it goes with you like your personal coach in a bottle.

It's no secret that to master anything requires three components -- repetition, immersion, and teacher. With i'MAGiNT LiFE MASTERY you get all three instantly:

  • Repetition -- Drink your water
  • Immersion -- Your environment is your training ground
  • Teacher -- i'MAGiNT is your lens to see life's lessons

It's easy to get started! Once you choose i'MAGiNTs for your Blueprint, just pop your first i'MAGiNT into the frame, fill your bottle with water, and your practice begins. No courses to watch. No books to study. No classes to attend. It really is that simple!

Are you ready to grow like never before and have fun?



Life Blueprint Discovery Workshop where you discover your life's purpose and your personal roadmap to the life you always dreamed of. 

To Learn More

50 i’MAGiNTs to aid you with building your relationships, parenting your children, taking your career to the next level, living a healthier lifestyle, helping with your creativity, whether for hobby or entrepreneurship, and taking your spiritual practice to the next level. 

50 Instructions for each quality, and suggestions for practice, so that you are never lost at what to do or how. Just read one Instruction Card per week to support your practice.

10 Signature Blueprint Discovery Tools and specially designed templet to guide you in choosing your own Blueprints for life! Plus 10 additional Blueprint templates that you can use for other purposes.

Magnetic charging coaster-frame that acts as a gorgeous classroom container for your i’MAGiNT lesson, protects your i’MAGiNT (investment) for years to come, and its 12 strong magnets magnetize your water for health benefits.

Your personal engraved i’MAGiNT bottle, hand-made of the highest-end Borosilicate glass, which is healthiest for your body and environment.

Invitation to our private global i’MAGiNTeer community

i’MAGiNT LOVE™ Eligibility for our generous  affiliate program

BONUS: One year of monthly moderated i'MAGiNT LiFE MASTERY Circles

"i’MAGiNT LiFE feels like magic! Each round I went through brought me to a deeper level of growth. It’s so simple to do that it’s tempting to underestimate its power, but I found the program helped me really zero in on what I wanted to create more of in my life. It helped me consistently hydrate while I am infusing myself with the affirmations and messages through the water."

Rima Bonario

"I’ve been following my Blueprint for a couple of years now. The change is inevitable, and it is happening without much effort from me. All I need to do is drink water charged by message on the coaster and let the magic happen inside of me while going about my business on a daily basis. The messages kind of speaking to you by the means of signs and situations in your life. When I focus on that specific quality of my next i’MAGiNT, I live it, feel it and breathe it by simply drinking it. It becomes part of me and it helps me work it out, embrace it and grow it inside of me."

Kristina Kuntz

I took the From Rock to Diamond Intensive in July of 2022. This was at a time that I was making a big life-changing decision about my career. I needed help figuring out the right steps to take. When I signed up for the i'MAGiNT LiFE MASTERY program, my life completely transformed. I started making decisions not because of external validation, but according to my soul's purpose, which I now knew because it was in my blueprint. These decisions have led me to my dream career of working at one of Tony Robbins’ companies as a business coach, getting flown out to work at their top-level mastermind, and being on my path to becoming a Head Speaker. I attribute my success to the decisions I made based on my i’MAGiNT Blueprint. I accomplished so much in just a couple of months, and I know this is just the beginning. I'm happy that I have my i’MAGiNTs by my side to guide me into an even more successful future! Thank you, SoFeya for introducing this incredible coaching into my life! 

Anastassia Lover

Coming from a traditional spiritual background, I was highly skeptical of i'MAGiNT LiFE when I first learned of it. But after looking into it, and now using it, I've found it to be the most profoundly simple, yet deeply transformative tool I have ever encountered. In mere months, it has begun resolving and healing deep-seated issues plaguing me my whole life. Its effect is immediate and grows day by day. It's also fun, because it's like fantasy, stepping into that ideal self you always dream of. Most amazing though is that life starts teaching you lessons relating to the i'MAGiNT you're working with -- like a school that educates you in personal awakening. And it's automatic -- you needn't even believe it works. Pure Magic! i'MAGiNT LiFE changes the way you see yourself, and your world, and thereby transforms thinking, doing, and ultimately, the life you create for yourself. You become your best self, and so create your best possible life."

Gary Joseph


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