Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place. 

SoFeya SahRa Joseph, Founder

Founder and Creator of i'MAGiNT LiFE™, bestselling author, international speaker, former Olympic Figure Skating Coach, mystic and alchemist. After her student, an Olympic Silver Medalist, lost her Gold Medal, SoFeya went on the journey of finding The Way to take charge of one's destiny. A high performer and visionary, she gave it all to earn the right to SEE the Unseen and make it available for others. She holds a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology, and numerous certifications ranging from yoga, hypnosis, to High-Performance Coaching. She searched the World over to find answers to such questions as “Who Am I,” “How Creation works?” "What is Truth?" “Why do we have so many religions, philosophies, therapies, spiritual practices, and people still struggle?” She is on the mission to transform "rocks into diamonds," show the Truth, and leave a legacy for the future.

Schedule an Intro Call With SoFeya

Vanessa Rodriguez

Vanessa is a multilingual Certified Master Teacher/Coach of i’MAGiNT LiFE™, a former Global Vice President in the Travel & Hospitality industry, a cross-cultural nomad, a full-time life school student, and an alchemist. She holds a Master of Business Administration and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming certification among other qualifications and has been granted several scholarships to study and work abroad. She became friends with her fears and insecurities from early on, which has allowed her to live up to her dreams and aspirations. She has lived in 5 countries and traveled to more than 20 and has always been fascinated with understanding people and other cultures. After her daughter was born, she shifted her purpose from guiding people in their wonderful travel journeys and finding the beauty through traveling the world to seeing the beauty in herself and guiding others in the same path to see the light within. It has been through her journey with i’MAGiNT™ that she started healing her consciousness and finding her voice and Truth. 

Schedule an Intro Call With Vanessa

Alicia Mazari-Andersen, PH.D

Alicia is a catalyst for change with a rich background in holistic education. With over 25 years as a university instructor and more than a decade as a holistic nutrition coach, Alicia has a unique blend of academic rigor and wellness wisdom.

But her impact goes beyond the classroom. She has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of changing habits and relationships in families. It's this passion for transformation that led her to become an i'MAGiNT LiFE Teacher in Training. Alicia believes that the emotional challenges people face are often the root of many life issues, and she sees i'MAGiNT LiFE as the key to unlocking emotional balance.

Alicia is committed to guiding people toward optimal emotional and physical well-being.

Learn More about Alicia and schedule a call

Belinés Bartra

Belinés (Beli) is truly multicultural and a citizen of the world. She was born in London to Peruvian parents and raised between Europe and Latin-America. She has an MBA in Media and Communications from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, where she graduated with honors.

She has advised Fortune 500 brands in their quest to connect with multicultural audiences and has led the Health & Wellness multicultural strategy for renowned brands such as Unilever, Colgate, Astra Zeneca, United Healthcare, among other assignments.

Beli has a passion for uncovering human truths and to strategize to create genuine connections that move people to achieve a better quality of life. Her innate curiosity for self-discovery draw her into the i'MAGiNT LiFE Community where she participated in several group coaching and self-coaching sessions. Beli has experienced a transformative journey that has brought her to live in alignment with her true essence and receiving higher levels of wisdom to create joy, balance and life fulfillment for her and others. 

Beli is a Certified i'MAGiNT LiFE teacher and brings more than two decades of experience in transforming brands through innovative marketing strategies and best practices to assist executives in not only walking the talk, but most importantly, helping them connect with their life purpose and discovering their inner mastery to create a better life.