"Unless a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not come into the Kingdom of the Holy One" 

~ John 3:5

People have intuitively believed for thousands of years that when they pray over the water they drink, it becomes "holy". This inspired Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto to conduct a series of experiments using photography to prove that water can be affected by thoughts and affirmations. These experiments revealed astonishing changes in the crystalline structure of the water.

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The acronym i'MAGINT stands for:
  • I'm
  • Imagine
  • Magnetize
  • Intend

This seed formula for Core Self Evolution is designed to help us cultivate powerful qualities of our Soul and reach a higher level of consciousness. By imbuing the water we drink with intention and power through this coaster technique, we can effectively move from a lower self to our highest potential.

What makes i'MAGiNT™ so special is that it creates an energetic connection between ourselves and the universe: as we acknowledge what exists within us already, we are able to use its energy on an even deeper level. With every sip fueled by conscious intent, each glass of water acts as a reminder that you have the ability to transform your life into one full of growth and possibility.

i'MAGiNT LiFE™ is a unique, transformative system that helps you align your intentions, elevate your mindset, and master your life—all through the simple yet powerful act of drinking water.

By infusing water with the qualities you want to embody, i'MAGiNT LiFE™ uses a combination of intention, focus, and daily practice to help you grow into your best self. It provides you with tools like i'MAGiNTs™ (specific qualities such as Success, Patience, Courage, etc.), i'MaStar Plan™ for your personal growth, and practical daily rituals that bring your desires into action.

It’s a system of transformation that works seamlessly with your daily life, turning the ordinary act of drinking water into an extraordinary opportunity for self-mastery, growth, and the realization of your life’s purpose.

Simply put: It’s the Water Way to awakening, embodying, and creating the life you truly desire.

Do you want to see more SUCCESS in your life? Give i'MAGiNT™ a Try 

Where should we email your printable PDF Success i'MAGiNT™ and instructions on how to practice it to get the most benefit?

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 i'MaStar Plan™ is your ultimate guide for unlocking your highest potential. It is the blueprint of your Soul, akin to DNA, a unique set of instructions that leads you up the path of spiritual maturity and growth. It's a curriculum designed specifically for you -- lessons that can be learned and mastered throughout your life journey.

Your i'MaStar Plan™ remains unchanged regardless of external circumstances such as job or career changes, relocation, or even a change in name or personality. Just like an acorn is destined to become an oak tree, so too does this internal program lead us toward our own individualized destiny. Knowing and understanding these principles can save time by allowing us to immediately apply our natural born talents and skills without having to search endlessly for what works best.

i'MaStar Plan™ serves as the map while i'MAGiNTs are the vessel; traveling through life using the iMAGiNT LiFE™ Method offers insight into how we row downstream efficiently with grace and ease -- all it takes is knowing which direction you're going in!

 i'MAGiNT LiFE™ IS FOR ANYONE seeking to unlock their highest potential and break through the internal barriers that are holding them back.

This powerful program provides individuals with a detailed roadmap and effective tools to help them achieve their goals and become their best selves. From mastering new skills to cultivating spiritual awareness, let i'MAGiNT LiFE guide you on your journey toward success and enlightenment --


Step 1

Be Success You Want ...

 This is your invitation to experience i'MAGiNT LiFE. It's more than just a class; it's a FREE download that you can use to transform your life in powerful ways. All you need to do is download Success i'MAGiNT, print it out, hold any water (or other beverage) on top of the page, and watch as the magic begins! If you drink water or other beverages regularly, then this could be an incredible journey for you -- so don't miss out! 

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Step 2 

Success Alchemy 

Intensive Course

Now that you've experienced the magic of Success i'MAGiNT, you'd want to know how to use it to erase false and limiting beliefs, how to take charge of your emotions, how to harness the Law of Creation to manifest what you want, understand how your mind works, and most importantly find an answer to such question as "who am I". This, and more you'll discover experientially in our five-day challenge.

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Step 3


"Theory is the tour of the house. Application is living IN the house."

Now that you understand all the basics: your mind, your emotions, who you are, and the Law of Creation, it's time to discover your personal life's Blueprint and your Purpose, and apply all this knowledge in your life with different Soul qualities. Here you truly step on to the Path and begin your PRACTICE.  

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